Gemma Gilbert Business Coach

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33 Learnings In 2019

To celebrate reaching the prime old age of 33 in December, here’s 33 things I’ve learnt this year:

  1. Self-care is about doing all the things that allow you to show up as the best version of yourself. Not about days off and bubble baths.

  2. You'll get to know your business besties on an insanely deep level after sharing your darkest insecurities and picking each other up every day.

  3. Listen to your gut. That time you don't will come back to bite you.

  4. Money money money - it's not dirty or selfish to want it. It gives you opportunity and you can choose to have as much as you want.

  5. When you feel resentful, you haven't set clear boundaries.

  6. Be your own annoying optimistic best friend. See the learning and good in everything, no matter how hard.

  7. Be your own biggest fan - there's no space for self-deprecation in being an entrepreneur.

  8. You'll repeatedly hit your upper limit. When you do, lean into it and smash the ceiling.

  9. When you feel fear, it's a good indication you're headed down the right track. Use fear as your guiding compass.

  10. Friends' and family's own limiting beliefs can keep you small, but only if you let them. Surround yourself with people who help you expand.

  11. The only person responsible for your future is you.

  12. Watch the stories you tell yourself - they're not necessarily true and you can choose to write new ones.

  13. Serve your audience generously and without expectation, and good things will follow.

  14. Be grateful for everything.

  15. Be present with your family. It's one of the reasons you started your business, and it's so easy to let it slide.

  16. Celebrate every 'no' from potential clients - they teach you far more than a 'yes'.

  17. People get really angry about Veganism. You'll face lots of challenges and opinions from others, but you'll feel bloody great in yourself.

  18. Exercise in the morning will put a rocket up your arse, even if you think you're not a morning person.

  19. After each work day, shutdown your laptop and put your stuff away to mentally signify the end of your working day.

  20. The term 'solopreneur' is misleading. You never build your business alone.

  21. When you invest in yourself, the benefits come back tenfold.

  22. Just fucking do it. Take action in the face of fear, perfectionism and uncertainty.

  23. Build your business around your strengths. Work with other kickass professionals to plug gaps in the stuff that doesn't light you up.

  24. Be vulnerable. Show up as you. People will love you for it, and it's so freeing.

  25. Forgive yourself for past mistakes. Punishing yourself keeps you small. Choose to grow.

  26. Your mindset can make or break you - work on it every single day.

  27. The way you start your day matters - create a powerful morning routine.

  28. Don't be afraid to polarise. Not everyone will like you and that's OK.

  29. Refer generously to other professionals, with no expectation of return.

  30. It's OK to let go of friendships that don't serve you.

  31. Relationships and networking are everything. Surround yourself with business owners who inspire and motivate you.

  32. Set clear boundaries. You don't have to hustle. Choose balance, focus and determination.

  33. There are no 'shoulds'. Build your business and life by your own design.

Hungry for more? Check out my 2018 Annual Review for even more learnings and my word for 2019.

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