Amplify Client Story: Viv Guy


Name: Viv Guy

Business: Business Coach - Grow Your Business Without Social Media


Problem: 80% capacity with 1-1, not sure where to grow next without making business model complicated or adding more client delivery hours.

Success: Started group programme without launching within weeks of joining Amplify and hit first 12K month. Went on to smash first 26.5K month.

Before working with Gemma…

I realised I was going down the rabbit hole of thinking about creating all sorts of different things. My whole philosophy is 20 hours a week, 40 weeks a year with 12 weeks off. I found myself thinking about memberships and I could feel myself going down this path of creating all these offers, having all this money but being exhausted and burnt out.

I had 1-1 clients and I was thinking… what is this next step to grow my business in just 20 hours a week? I was at 80% capacity with 1-1 clients and needed that next step to grow. And if I could do this in even less than 20 hours a week, even better.

You sent an email about how you were simplifying your whole business and I realised I wanted this too.

The ‘not launching’ thing for me is a biggie as I hate launching. It’s not something I want to do - I can’t sustain my energy and it doesn’t fit around my family. This was a big draw to join Amplify.

Viv’s Key Points

  • I started Amplify and I didn’t expect to start my group programme so quickly but I had quite a lot of leads. It felt like a no-brainer to sell the leads into group instead of 1-1.

  • Within a few weeks, I’d started my group and made 12K immediately.

  • Content creation has always been really hard for me - it’s not a natural strength. You just want to tell people all the information and leave them to get on with it. The way Gemma teaches you how to teach and get results is different, but so much more effective. I got my head down and focussed on writing the programme I’d just sold.

  • I took my first off the gas with lead flow and didn’t sell after initially launching my group. This was a big mindset thing and led to a dry spell.

  • I came back from this dry spell and made 26.5K in 21 days without a launch. Mindset wise the Amplify Slack community is the place to be. I did the 100 Leads in 30 Days Challenge that Gemma set and went all in and grew my audience by over 190 people in 30 days. That was the big come back for me - doing more lead gen activities again, running my deep nurture workshop.

  • Evergreen fits my lifestyle and structure and working 20 hours a week. It’s rinse and repeat activities so I can schedule it in. I don’t have to farm the kids out for a week while I do a launch. I know I can bring in consistent income rather than the anxiety of a big launch. It fits my mindset, business model and it’s just no pressure. It’s really structuring your model in a way which sells without it being icky. And it’s so easy when you get it in place.

  • Micro tweaks have been fundamental to me getting results in my business. What are the small changes you can make that will have a big impact? This has been one of the biggest transformations in Amplify for me.

  • Come in with your eyes wide open - you have to find a way to keep all the balls in the air - lead gen, programme design, client delivery etc.

  • Biggest takeaway? I’m way more capable at writing content than I thought. And your business can be really simple. And micro-tweaks!

What are you looking forward to next?

26.5K+ months every month. Feeling confident that I can achieve that now. And that’s crazy because when I came to you I wanted to get to 7-8K consistent months. Now I’m like 10k? Pah! Let’s do more of this!

Who would you recommend Amplify to?

  • Action-takers who are willing to go all in now

  • People who want to get it done - not drag it out over months and months - or a year - on your own

  • People who want their group to be a core part of their business - not just a side hustle

  • Not whiners, moaners

  • Not for people who think you can just talk it through and not do the work

What should others know about Gemma?

  • Amplify has been life-changing. The way you teach - how to structure your weeks, months, to generate leads and deliver a programme. I now have a scalable business. I have a programme which is written. I’ve been able to apply so much of this to my 1-1 work as well. That’s been transformational. Sounds like I’m arse-kissing, but Gemma is a phenomenal teacher. She’s phenomenal at what she does. She makes it so easy. So clear. And the support that is there on sessions - between sessions - is invaluable. Look at the kind of figures I’m making. I want 26K months every month and I’m continuing to work with Gemma to do this.

Want to start an evergreen group programme you can enrol into month on month? Find out more about Amplify here.