Amplify Client Story: Joanna Lott


Name: Joanna Lott

Business: Joanna Lott Coaching

Website: and group programme that helps qualified coaches get clients.

Problem: I had a group programme but it wasn’t truly evergreen. I wasn’t getting consistent clients.

Result: I have an evergreen group programme, with consistent enrollments, and most recently consistent 10k months.

“Before joining Amplify, I had an evergreen group programme, but my enrolments were inconsistent. I’m now filling the programme each month, without doing any sales calls. ”

Before working with Gemma…

I already had an evergreen group programme, which I’d built with Gemma’s free workshops, but it was never truly evergreen. I’d panic when people were coming to the end of their time in the programme.

I wanted a programme where I could have consistent clients, consistent 10k months with one core programme.

Joanna’s Key Points

  • I went from running my programme in cohorts, getting clients sign up here and there to getting consistent enrolments and filling the programme every month.

  • Growing my audience was key to getting consistent clients.

  • Being part of a group programme is really key to helping you overcome those emotional hurdles to grow your business.

  • Lead generation, audience growth and marketing are the things that really can’t fall off the list, so it’s great to have the accountability of group calls in a programme like Amplify.

  • I really wanted to move to no sales calls. I never thought someone would buy a £2.5k programme from a sales page, but when your marketing is good and you’ve built that trust, you can sell from a sales page.

  • I’ve built a 6 month, term-time only programme which works really well.

Who would you recommend Amplify to?

Anyone who wants to build an evergreen group programme, even if you have one already, to make a solid, consistent programme which is your one core offer in your business. You need to be established, committed, and be in a space with an existing audience and lead flow.

What should others know about Gemma?

Gemma is so good at being super-direct. She’s always straight to the point, no skirting around the edges. She asks questions that help me to make really clear decisions. The programme is about being inspired every week to take that next step for your business.

Want to start an evergreen group programme you can enrol into month on month? Find out more about Amplify here.